If you are a young woman and already dreaming of when you will start your own family, you aren’t alone. Many women look forward with excitement to the time they have their own baby.
Are you wondering also about how you can avoid infertility now? If you have read any of the heartbreaking stories on social media sites about women who simply can’t seem to conceive a child, you know what we are talking about.
How to deal with female infertility?
Many women with infertility have multiple causes: women are either having trouble conceiving because of hormonal imbalances or because their partner is having trouble conceiving because of a medical condition. To help you get the best results, you need a specific treatment plan. Estrogen therapy, which involves taking estrogen so you can become pregnant, is the most common treatment for infertility.
“We know there are many reasons why infertility affects women. One of the biggest is an unbalanced hormonal environment,” said Dr. Vicki Saporta, a New York fertility doctor and expert in issues pertaining to women’s fertility.
While some problems with fertility simply cannot be avoided, there are a few steps you can take to help prevent infertility in the future.
We will also discuss treatment options for those who are suffering from fertility issues right now!
You are wise to start thinking about this problem sooner, rather than later. A few ways you can help to prevent having trouble conceiving are
- Try to get pregnant when you are younger rather than later. Your fertility greatly decreases after 35 and keeps on the downward trend every single year.
- Avoid excessive alcohol consumption and drugs. While parties are fun, heavy alcohol consumption and recreational drugs can wreak havoc on your menstrual cycle and lead to ovulation disorders or endometriosis.
- Be smart and practice safe sex. Sexually transmitted diseases can lead to serious infertility problems, including pelvic inflammatory disease, which can lead to infertility.
- Maintain a healthy weight through a balanced diet and exercise. Being underweight and/or overweight can lead to ovulation disorders or irregular periods. Binge eating, bulimia, and anorexia can prevent eggs from developing properly. If you think you have an eating disorder, seek help from your doctor.
So with the possible exception, the vast majority of women can conceive naturally during their lifetimes. For the vast majority, being sexually active is vital for fertility, especially when combined with regular ovulation and normal bleeding patterns.
Eating a healthy diet rich in antioxidants can boost your chances of achieving pregnancy, and avoiding tobacco, alcohol, and exposure to environmental toxins will improve your chances. Exercising consistently can help the process, too. When you are physically and mentally healthy, sperm will find it easier to reach the egg.
Modern Day Treatments
While your Facebook friends and family members might have suggestions for improving your chances of conceiving, most times, these old folk remedies (such as sleeping with an egg on your stomach) won’t work.
Doctors can test you to determine where the problem lies and then suggest modern treatment options such as:
- Natural fertility boosters: herbs, minerals, and vitamins, all packed in all-natural pills, successfully aid in increasing female fertility.
- Fertility enhancing drugs, such as Clomiphene citrate, which stimulates the release of eggs or Bromocriptine, which helps reduce excess prolactin.
- Surgery, including laparoscopic surgery, which can help correct the shape of the uterus or remove polyps.
- Tubal surgeries, which remove adhesions or excess fluid.
Herbs were commonly used in ancient Greece and Rome to improve female fertility and overall health. Today, herbal supplements are often recommended to women in order to boost their natural ability to conceive. Natural methods are preferable to drugs because prescription medications can affect overall female health, cause hormonal imbalances, or lead to permanent infertility.
While many of these herbs are appropriate for a variety of medical issues, women should be careful to read product labels, and find out exactly what they do before using any herbal medicine. There are many safe and effective herbs for treating female fertility issues.
Surgical Treatment Options
If these procedures and drugs do not work, there are other surgical means of reproductive assistance including:
- ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) This procedure involves removing eggs from the woman, then fertilizing them in a test tube or other container with the male’s sperm. Once the eggs have been fertilized, the embryos are placed into the uterus. This procedure is very effective; however, it means daily hormone injections and frequent blood tests.
- IUI (Intrauterine Insemination) This involves placing millions of healthy sperm in the uterus when the body is close to ovulation.
If you have been trying to conceive for more than 12 months, you should seek a doctor’s advice and be examined for possible problems.
Many women with infertility problems find this time of their lives to be difficult ones. Seek support from friends and family, therapist, or another type of support group, such as online groups, which can allow you to remain anonymous while you discuss your concerns.
Getting a second opinion and support can not only help you feel more confident in your diagnosis, but also help you identify healthy alternatives to the medical approach that you are on right now.
Female Infertility Supplements
Female infertility supplements aim to help the woman with the factors mentioned above. Some of the female infertility supplements which can be taken to increase the chances of becoming pregnant are: Fenugreek, Ginkgo, Saw Palmetto, Clomid, Folic Acid, Vitamin B12 and DHEA.
For example, in 2013, a large clinical study was conducted on women suffering from female infertility to investigate the effectiveness of saw palmetto. The study showed a positive result in women that took saw palmetto for a period of 3 months. The women showed a significant rise in the number of eggs which were released during their periods and a rise in the number of oocytes which had been matured. The research study proved that saw palmetto increased the number of eggs which were released by the woman.
Supplements for female fertility can also help boost the female reproductive system. Female fertility supplements come in a variety of forms, including tablets, capsules, patches and gels. They are designed to nourish the female reproductive system and help to increase the number of eggs which are available for ovulation. Supplements are recommended for women who have low progesterone levels. The supplements are also suitable for women who are trying to conceive or are undergoing fertility treatments such as IVF or ICSI.