If you think that you have a low female libido, you will need to read through this section and find proper treatment and prevention options. The first thing to do is try and find a specialist who can prescribe medications. While being careful with yourself, make sure that you consult a doctor who knows how to address all of your issues.
Sexual dysfunction can occur in women in both heterosexual and homosexual couples. Certain medications can be used to improve sexual function and wellness. Using a small device on the clitoris called a clitoral stimulation device is another effective way to improve sex drive. And a long-acting, injectable form of certain medications can help to control hormonal fluctuations.
Why Low Libido Happens in Women
It is normal for sex to become less important to one or both people with advancing age. However, most people are surprised to learn that more than half of people over age 65 experience some form of sexual dysfunction. Many of these cases are caused by the medications used to treat chronic conditions such as high blood pressure and arthritis. Medications used to treat depression, insomnia and diabetes may also contribute to female sexual dysfunction. A medical evaluation is helpful when sexual dysfunction is present.
Many older couples experience less interest in sexual activities because of physiological changes and the effects of chronic illness. These couples should be evaluated with a thorough history and physical examination, and any underlying problems should be treated.
Women should also be evaluated for the effects of hormonal fluctuations, since these may affect the couple’s ability to have sexual intimacy. Older couples should have a complete history to rule out the possibility of a secondary cause. These include hypertension, hyperthyroidism, diabetes, sleep apnea, or cardiovascular disease. Women have more concerns than men in this group because their sexual function has more to do with menstrual cycle status and hormonal changes than men. A physical examination, including a digital screening, can be considered.
It is critical for the medical provider to assess the sexual function of all couples prior to initiating a physical examination. Assessing these functions may influence the management of both patients.
While an issue of low female libido is usually common in women of child-bearing age, there are some women who have difficulty feeling sexually attractive in any situation.
As with most problems or issues in life, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cures. Unfortunately, some of the root causes of the dysfunction cannot truly be avoided, such as religious upbringing, damage to or lack of a clitoris, or damage to nerve endings.
How to Prevent Low Female Libido?
However, if the root cause is health-related, there are steps that can be taken. Some of the easiest and most obvious prevention methods are:
- Don’t smoke or stop smoking
- Don’t use recreational drugs
- Get regular exercise
- Reduce stress
- Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet
- Limit alcohol consumption
- If you are overweight, lose those excess pounds
- Control your blood sugar levels if you are a diabetic
- Take care of chronic conditions, such as heart disease
- See a therapist for depression or mental health issues
- Practice relaxation techniques, such as yoga or meditation, for anxiety issues
Note that some medications, such as antidepressants, can cause sexual dysfunction. If you believe that may be the case, speak to your doctor about a possible change in medication that might improve your sex life. Never stop taking any medications without speaking to your doctor first.
You can also talk to a therapist who’s been trained to help with sexual problems. He or she can offer support and information about ways to improve your sexual relationships. For more information, talk to your health care professional.
Kegel Exercises
Your health care professional may recommend therapy for the specific sexual problem that is causing you the most difficulty. For example, if you feel that you can’t climax from vaginal intercourse, you may want to try an exercise program. A good example is Kegel exercises.
Find out how to do Kegel exercises to help your body respond better to sexual arousal.
Women who are unhappy with their low libido and are struggling to increase their sexual desire, treat low sex drive, and prevent the resulting dissatisfaction, can also try Kegel exercises as a normal part of treatment for symptoms that accompany their hormonal problems.
These are exercises designed to improve blood flow in genital areas in women in order to increase arousal and help them achieve orgasm from intercourse. While some women feel the benefits immediately, many others need to practice for some time.
Treatment for Female Sexual Dysfunction
There are treatments to help with both psychological and physical causes.
By treating the underlying cause, most sexual dysfunction can be eliminated or at least lessened to a great extent.
- If the cause is physical, treatment will most likely be in the form of medication, surgery, or mechanical tools.
- If the problem is psychological, therapy, behavior modification, counseling, and/or education will be called for.
- Some women have a combination of problems. For those women, multiple therapies will be required.
Common Treatments for Sexual Dysfunction
Early diagnosis and treatment of sexual problems in women can help prevent persistent problems and set the stage for greater success in managing them. These include the following:
- Mechanical Tools: For women who have no partner or feel uncomfortable or nervous expressing sexual pleasure with a partner, battery-operated boyfriends, known as vibrators, can help women learn about her body and what she likes, so she can express herself with partners. Women who have vaginismus can often be treated with dilators which relax the muscles of the vagina, making sex pleasurable, rather than painful.
- Natural Medications: If a woman is having difficulty because of a medical condition, she will need to be evaluated by a doctor before a decision can be made. She might need surgery to correct a problem, or she might need a natural medication (such as estrogen) to help correct her hormone levels. These natural pills contain blends of different herbal extracts that have been used clinically proven to treat female sexual dysfunctions.
- Lubrication Creams: these creams work by improving blood flow to female genital organs which leads to increased pleasure and sexual arousal. They are clinically proven to be very effective but only a temporary solution since they will not permanently treat female sexual dysfunctions.
- Therapy: Many women find that sex therapy and/or counseling can help ease the psychological causes of dysfunction. Therapy can help women deal with fears, anxiety, prior trauma, prior sexual abuse, body issues and more. Sex therapists can help women, even couples; gain a better, deeper understanding of sexual issues. Sex therapists or counselors might recommend behavioral changes, education, and communication techniques that can help couples work through both sexual issues as well as day to day problems.
If you believe you are suffering from sexual dysfunction, do not be embarrassed about speaking to your doctor or therapist. There are treatments and medications that can help you enjoy
In fact, having a satisfactory sex life can boost your well-being, decrease your stress, enhance your mood and could even make you healthier than you were before.
The bottom line is that everyone is different, and we don’t all have the same expectations or desires. With that in mind, you can find a specific treatment for your own case of female sexual dysfunction and enjoy the love of your life in a sex-positive, open and intimate way.