Premature ejaculation is perhaps one of the most embarrassing subjects men ever have to deal with.
Many therapists find that a couple comes to them for relationship issues, only to find that the real problem is a premature ejaculation issue that the man will not seek help for.
A man is considered to have a premature ejaculation problem when he ejaculates during sex faster than he or his partner wants him to.
When this happens occasionally, doctors say it is nothing to be concerned about. However, men who have consistent issues with premature ejaculation might want to consider seeing a doctor. Persistent premature ejaculation, or premature ejaculation disorder, can be a serious problem. While it may seem like no big deal if you can simply slow down, premature ejaculation can cause severe discomfort. Erectile dysfunction is a common result of premature ejaculation.
It is most common in younger men, and the problems can be caused by a variety of reasons, including performance anxiety, excessive masturbation, etc.
If you almost always ejaculate within 90 seconds after penetration, if you are unable to delay ejaculation most times and/or if you are frustrated or feel upset by this problem so much so that you avoid sexual contact, you should absolutely see your doctor.
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What are the Common Symptoms?
Common symptoms are described above; however, there are Two Classifications for premature ejaculation:
- Primary: Primary premature ejaculation, sometimes called lifelong, is when a man has had this problem for many years, sometimes all his life, even when masturbating.
- Secondary: This classification is sometimes called acquired, as some men only experience this issue in certain situations, after a particular encounter or it appeared only recently.
Some men feel that if they are unable to perform for X number of minutes, that they suffer from this problem, which isn’t true. For a doctor to diagnose you as having premature ejaculation, this problem must occur with almost every sexual encounter.
What Are The Main Causes?
At least 50 years ago, doctors believed that this problem was only a psychological one, however, doctors now realize that the issue is more complicated than mere “head games”.
Premature ejaculation can occur for a number of reasons. A few common culprits include anxiety, stress, depression, and inadequate muscle tone that leads to difficulty during sexual activity.
Men who find it difficult to ejaculate after prolonged periods have a significantly lower testosterone level, which can contribute to premature ejaculation.
Unfortunately, the exact cause of premature ejaculation still isn’t known, scientists do have a few ideas about where and why this problem occurs, including:
Psychological Issues
For primary ejaculators, this established pattern is a difficult “habit” to break when it continues for many years.
- Feelings of guilt or embarrassment that make some men want to finish their sexual encounter sooner rather than later.
- Becoming accustomed to having very little time to have sex or being fearful of being discovered.
- Feelings of anxiety, where men are preoccupied with sexual performance or about maintaining their erection.
- Men who have erectile dysfunction might try to hide this issue by ejaculating quickly.
- Relationship issues can also cause performance problems.
Biological Issues
- Abnormal hormone levels
- An abnormal reflexes in the penis
- Thyroid issues
- Abnormal brain chemicals (neurotransmitters)
- Nerve damage
- Infection or inflammation of the urethra or prostate
Statistics of Premature Ejaculation
Statistics show that the average sexual encounter is 7.3 minutes, but almost 50 percent of all sex acts end in less than 2 minutes. In the US, 56 percent of the men and 42 percent of the women say that their first sexual experience involved cases of premature ejaculation.
Hollywood has led people to believe that most people have sex for
hours almost nightly, but this simply isn’t true.
According to the Health Institute at the University of Cologne, 75 percent of all men experienced premature ejaculation and other forms of erectile dysfunction, including decreased sexual interest, painful erections, numbness, and decreased sexual sensation. These problems come about for a variety of reasons, including medications, disorders in sperm production, infections, and much more.
How to Deal With Premature Ejaculation?
The more sex you have the better you’ll know yourself and your body, as well as your partner. Avoiding quick ejaculation when you’re about to have an orgasm is important. It also makes it more likely that your next release will happen when you want it to.
If you’re having difficulty, try talking about it with your partner. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. If you can last longer than what your partner says you should, great!
Everyone deserves to have a healthy sex life, free from guilty feelings or feelings of inadequacy. If you believe you are suffering from premature ejaculation, speak to your doctor and don’t be embarrassed to ask about preventative measures and treatment options to deal with premature ejaculation. You can also use the links below for more information about how to control ejaculations.