Sometimes men suffer from a low volume of semen and a weaker than normal ejaculation.
In most cases, the weak ejaculation results from other medical conditions, such as lack of vitamins, poor nutrition, hormonal changes, or diabetes. But the factors leading to poor ejaculation are common, and finding a cure is still possible.
There are several reasons why this occurs. The most important thing to do is to see your health care provider if this happens to you as there are many male fertility treatment options that can help address the issues for you.
According to Dr. Mark Slader, a urologist and endocrinologist at Catlins Medical Centre:
Certain men are not well protected against an episode of low semen volume. This may be caused by low testosterone levels. Low levels of testosterone can cause problems in all aspects of life, including the ability to reproduce. It can also cause a reduced level of other hormones or, in some cases, symptoms of andropause.
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The Most Common Symptoms of Weak Ejaculation
What are the symptoms of weak ejaculation? Actually, according to medical findings, weak ejaculation is often described as something more than just a low volume of seminal fluid during orgasm.
A study conducted at the University of California at San Diego revealed that about 45% of men in their 40s and 50s have a lack of ejaculate during orgasm, with the majority experiencing low volumes of fluid or even absence of ejaculate during orgasm.
Weak ejaculation, while not an entirely common sexual problem like impotence, can also result in other problems such as low male fertility, erectile dysfunction, and an increase in the risk of prostate cancer.
Weak ejaculation is often accompanied by a lack of sexual desire, decreased erectile function, decreased libido, and other related sexual dysfunctions.
However, the most common symptoms of weak ejaculation include:
- quick, sometimes unnoticeable orgasms;
- low volume of seminal fluid during ejaculation;
- low power and force of orgasms;
- inability to achieve an orgasm;
- inability to maintain an erection;
- reduced pleasure during intercourse;
It’s important to understand that volume of seminal fluid that is released during ejaculation does not always represent the quality of ejaculation. This volume may differ from one time to another. This depends on the frequency of ejaculations, the time passed since the last intercourse, etc.
On the other hand, a low volume of semen is often related to weak ejaculation when it is caused by low male libido, problems with sexual desire, diseases of the reproductive system, stresses, unhealthy lifestyle, etc.
Therefore, a low volume of semen (less than 1 to 5 ml) can be associated with sexual problems that may cause further complications. If you are experiencing these kinds of problems, you might want to consider the use of different techniques that are designed to increase semen output and also to prevent the symptoms of weak ejaculation.
Complications of Weak Ejaculation
What are the complications of weak ejaculation? The most common complication of weak ejaculation is an erection that is difficult to control. This is caused by the body’s tendency to respond to the low quality of orgasms. The problem is that a person who has weak ejaculations is more likely to have a harder time achieving climax during sex due to lower sexual arousal. This leads to ejaculation difficulties or a complete inability to climax.
Another complication of weak ejaculation is related to low semen volume. When a man ejaculates almost no semen, there are not many sperm cells in his ejaculate, which leads to male fertility problems. There are many studies that have found that having a low level of semen is linked to problems in conceiving a baby.
Men can also experience premature ejaculation during sex due to a lack of control and increased anxiety. They experience additional stress caused by weak ejaculation and this can increase the likelihood of premature ejaculation.
Understanding Causes of Weak Ejaculation
If you don’t ejaculate with the force that you used to, there are a few reasons why this occurs. The first one is that you tend to ejaculate with less force as you grow older. The muscles lose their strength in the pelvic area and the volume of semen is also reduced.
Aging-related Causes of Weak Ejaculations
This is because ejaculate is produced in the prostate gland, which gets worse with age. As you age, your prostate gland produces less and less seminal fluid and that eventually leads to weak ejaculation. Prostate-related changes are reversible and can be corrected with proper treatment.
If the semen in the urethral bulb which is located at the base of the penis has less semen or another problem then during ejaculation you won’t ejaculate as hard.
When you’re producing less semen, this can also impact fertility. If you plan to have children and have a weaker than normal ejaculation, you may need to consult a doctor to address the issue.
Pelvic Muscles
Anything that is impacting the nerves or the muscles that are involved with ejaculation may cause ejaculation to become weaker than normal. If the pelvic muscles are weak, then the ejaculation tends to be weak as well. Exercises that strengthen these areas may help improve the ejaculation.
For example, engaging in a variety of pelvic floor exercises could help improve your ability to ejaculate. It is also a good idea to work on developing the prostate gland. Both the prostate gland and the pelvic floor muscles have a lot to offer to improve weak ejaculation.
Retrograde Ejaculation
Another problem is called retrograde ejaculation. This is where a valve between the urethra and the bladder stays open and it allows semen to get into the bladder and not out through the penis. If you have this condition you may have very weak orgasms or no semen volume at all as it’s flowing into the bladder and not out the penis. Prostate problems and urinary tract infections may cause this condition.
A doctor can also test your hormone levels as you need high levels of hormones called androgens. These hormones tend to decline as you age and can lead to weaker orgasms. Unfortunately, some men think it’s caused by a lack of testosterone and fail to treat it appropriately.
If this is the case for you, then you need to find a doctor that can figure out what is causing it.
Prescription Medications
There are treatments for weak ejaculation which involve several prescription medications such as:
- Ephedrine (Akovaz)
- Pseudoephedrine (Sudafed)
- Brompheniramine (Veltane)
- Chlorpheniramine (Chlor-Trimeton)
- Imipramine (Tofranil)
Home Treatments
If you’re otherwise healthy but producing less semen than normal, you can treat it at home to improve your fertility. In many cases, a change in lifestyle is all that is necessary to improve semen volume and treat male infertility.
- Exercise – Overall exercise is ideal as it will strengthen the body. Kegel exercises for the groin area are the best. Studies have shown that this exercise improve premature ejaculation and other problems with ejaculation
- Sleep – The body performs its best when you get enough sleep. If you’re too tired, quality sex can be difficult. Those that sleep less, have lower sperm counts.
- Quit Smoking – You will have a lower than normal semen level if you smoke.
- Diet – Consume antioxidants like E, C, and selenium. Zinc is also another imprint nutrient for improving semen levels. These nutrients can be found in dietary supplements that are specifically developed to increase the quality of male semen, improve male fertility, as well as provide more powerful orgasms.
- Weight loss – A reduction in weight will also help your body in terms of your reproductive health
Sex Life
Lower than normal semen volume can impact your sex life. This can be problematic if you’re trying to conceive a child. If this occurs, please see your doctor for male fertility treatment options available to you to improve your semen volume.
However, semen volume also affects the quality of male orgasms. The more ejaculate man may produce, the more powerful orgasms he can enjoy. Moreover, with increased volume of seminal fluids and extended time of ejaculation, every man can reach multiple orgasms which were earlier thought to be reachable only by women.
In some cases, the problem may be mental and not physical which can cause problems such as male impotence or lack of sexual desire. These can be addressed by therapy or through medications.
After ejaculation, testosterone, growth hormone, dopamine and oxytocin levels in the male’s brain go up. The speed and depth of this increase will depend on several factors, including the intensity of ejaculation.
A lower than normal semen level will impact your orgasms and fertility as you may not produce enough semen. Weak ejaculations lead to worse orgasms and lower chances of pregnancy. Improve your overall health and see a physician if you suffer from a low semen volume of have problems with your sex life.
This issue can be addressed by a qualified medical professional or even at home with proper treatment options.